ECM Management AG

Business Succession / Shareholder Changes

Secure Transition through Systematic Processes

Expert advice, insight and implementation for your transition plan

The transition of responsibilities and ownership is a critical moment for any company. Emotional factors and non-transferable structures play a crucial role. A systematic problem-solving process that considers all factors is often the only way to achieve a viable solution in a reasonable time frame.

Business Succession Planning


Equip Yourself to Lead Change

Every leadership change brings changes in the assessment of situations and actions. Emotional bonds and fears of restricted freedom of action can further complicate the process. Different interests of stakeholders increase the complexity even further.


Our approaches of strategies

Our objective third party leads a systematic problem-solving process that takes all relevant factors into account and balances them. This allows us to find quick and effective sustainable solutions that all parties can accept.

Stable and Successful Transition

Companies are heavily influenced by their founders and long-term CEOs. When these leaders leave, internal cohesion can be lost, and processes may develop in an uncoordinated manner. This poses risks both for succession and for sales to investors. With over 30 years of experience in process structuring, ECM ensures a smooth transition, maintaining the company's stability and success.

Pragmatic approach during the succession plan

Who will lead the company in the future, and how? These questions often arise during the transition to the next generation and are, unfortunately, not always easy to answer. Pragmatic solutions that are acceptable to all parties involved must be found, and conflicts are often unavoidable in this process. However, with extensive experience and partners who have already undergone this process in their own companies, ECM usually finds a solution – even if it has eluded others for years.

Business Succession

Example of

Experiences with clients

In a shareholder change at the Oetker Group, we successfully developed and implemented scenarios that helped all parties achieve their goals. Through intensive communication and a willingness to compromise, we were able to find an amicable solution that led to a fair change process.

Discover more about our succession solutions

We're Here for You

Our goal is to implement the succession plan together effectively and to take full advantage of the growth potential that this entails.

Get in touch with us to learn more about the ECM’s Succession Solution or to get answers to your questions.

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