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Operating Results

Sustainable Success Via Operational Excellence

Many companies are constantly in motion, working hard and making operational changes to improve performance. They include restructuring, product revamps, pursuit of new market opportunities, addressing day-to-day problems, countering competitive threats, and crises management.

These companies take steps such as reorganizing, bringing in consultants, hiring interim managers and introducing new software platforms. However, these measures often divert attention from the actual goals and real problems because they are internally focused and bureaucratic. They create a false sense of well-being due to the huge effort that has to be made and initial but temporary improvements, plus the need to justify large expenditures of funds.

These efforts fail because they are temporary fixes resulting in cosmetic changes and lack “buy in” by the people who must do the work.  In 6 to 12 months the initial improvements can no longer be sustained and interest in the project fades. After the bills are paid and blame is assigned the cycle repeats itself.

In order to have long term success you need a simple operating structure adapted to your unique situation and embraced by all with commitment and discipline. Strict leadership is needed at the grassroots level. Performance must be monitored, and clear results demanded. The intent is to get everyone to do their job and receive timely feedback on their performance.

We focus on simplicity and speed of execution.  After a short time measurable results will be delivered or the engagement will halt. Your managers will notice that results are produced with less wasted time and effort.

If you are interested in this type of change, ecm might be the right partner for you. Contact us for an initial discussion.

“Leadership means: motivating people at act independently for the benefit of the company”

Our service includes:

  • Creation of a clear strictly enforced system of operational targets and streamlined controlling processes.
  • Daily proactive support of managers in achieving well-defined operational goals and integrating process guidelines into their daily work via management coaching. Only those who stick with it, will win!
  • A system for rapid identification and removal of operational barriers.
  • Staff screening and identification of Dunning Kruger effects:  cognitive bias in which people mistakenly assess their cognitive ability as greater than it is.
  • Concentration of resources on well-qualified high potential priorities.
  • Implementation of systematic problem solving and challenging of assumptions.
  • We help you simplify and streamline processes relative to your overarching goals and strategy.
  • Implementation of methods for effective decision-making.
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