Mehrwert für den Kunden schaffen

The ecm “Value Approach” Positions You to Win..

The impacts of the value you offer must be effectively communicated, clearly measured and directly linked to your customers’ business challenges.  ecm’s unique “Value Approach” expands the traditional focus on features and functionality into compelling value propositions that address the often hidden drivers of cost, risk and competitive advantage.

“Why will your customer be more successful when they choose the value you offer over the competition?”

  • Can you answer this question clearly and unambiguously from your customer’s perspective?
  • What is your responsibility to alert and educate customers about the emerging challenges and accelerating trends that impact their industry and competitive position? 
  • Above all else, is the value calculated together in a way that creates the opportunity to share value i.e. better margins, for both you and your customer?

Your success depends on how well your customers answer these questions within their organization. Remember, your customers don’t love your products and services the way you do. What they do value is the impact your offering will have on their business. If you are going to deliver a winning value proposition you must consider and calculate the impact of such things as improved processes, enhanced product design, better service delivery and more effective competitive positioning. 

ecm helps clients identify the drivers of customer value in a manner that provides an opportunity to “split value” resulting in better margins for both you and your customer.

Contact us for a free consultation.

Value Creation Services

  • Defining the best value mix leveraging the traditional dependency on product and service functionality
  • Profiling decision makers to understand their different value perspectives
  • Identification and reduction of cost drivers
  • Developing value impact calculations
  • Identifying and correcting value reducing errors in production, delivery and service
  • Risk mitigation analysis

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